Rabu, 30 November 2016

Why Mayo Diet Can Lose Weight in D

Why Mayo Diet Can Lose Weight in D
 mayo diet is now widely favored as an option to lose weight in a healthy manner. diet mayo getting ogled after a number of people successfully lose weight within 12-14 days. One of them Fitri Tropica artist who managed to lose six kilograms (kg) within 13 days. Weight management consultants, doctors Grace Judio-Kahl said, mayo diet is derived from the Mayo Clinic in the United States to design a diet with nutritionally balanced food consumption. Mayo diet program that is circulating in Indonesia is also quite diverse. "" Diet mayo regulate the daily diet with foods high in protein, low in calories, to no carbohydrates, "" Grace said when contacted on Thursday (02/10/2014) .Grace explains, mayo diet menu is diverse with a variety of vegetables, fruits, and foods high in protein. mayo diet circulating in the community generally regulate food intake by 500-800 calories per day. In addition, the mayo diet which is widely used in Indonesia, with a diet without carbohydrates and salt. In the body, carbohydrates and salt water binding. Therefore foods that do not contain carbohydrates and salt will make you lose weight due to water loss in the body. "" If baseball carbs altogether, the body will take some sugar reserves. Water will be a lot out, weight loss, "" light Grace.Selain, the consumption of high protein in the diet mayo will make a person feel full even without eating rice containing carbohydrates. mayo diet is also a set menu with food that is not fried, but boiled, steamed, or dipanggang.Menurut Grace, many of those who successfully lose weight with this diet because it follows the rules of the diet that has been determined for the morning, noon, and night for two weeks , Vegetables, fruit, and protein sources such as eggs, fish, and chicken served with the right dose. In addition, those who run the mayo diet should drink plenty of water about 8 glasses per hari.Untuk practice this diet should consult first with your doctor or nutritionist. With consultation, you can make sure whether it is suitable to use diet mayo. Doctors and nutritionists can also provide a good diet for diet mayo.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

When Lose Weight, Do not compete against Fat - Ko

When Lose Weight, Do not compete against Fat - Ko

 If during fatty foods is the main enemy for anyone trying to cut weight, but which proved to a new study just the opposite. The study in JAMA says, eat more fat in the low-carb diet is the best way to prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
David Ludwig, director of the Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital to increase the number of nutrition experts who dispel the notion that when you lose weight we need to reduce fat intake and be careful counting latest kalori.Pendapat intake in preventing obesity mention, weight gain is actually triggered by a diet high in carbohydrates because it will cause blood sugar to rise. As a result, the hormone insulin to work hard throughout the body.
"" Intuitively, we know the weight will not be reduced to simply eat less and exercise more. Only a small percentage of people who can lose weight by doing the suggestion that, ' "he said.
Nina Teicholz journalist and author of The Big Fat Surprise said, in general fat, especially saturated fat is often blamed as the cause of heart disease, obesity, and cancer. In fact, saturated fats are not bad for the health.
"" But if done carefully, a diet high in fat and low in karbohidratlah best way to fight obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, "" he said.
According to Jonathan Bailor, author of The Calorie Myth, from now people need to stop thinking about the quantity of calories and look at the quality of the food. Calories is not just calories. Using calories as eating guide as well as use the height to measure intelligence.
Ludwig said the obesity epidemic in the world is the result of the selection of the wrong foods. "" We have to forget the low-fat paradigm. Some foods with high fat content such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil is the healthiest foods that should be eaten, ' "he said.
Furthermore, Ludwig explains, overeating should be seen as a manifestation of obesity, not the root cause.
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Sikat Gigi Sebelumnya Tidur Belum Jadi Kebiasaan


Sikat Gigi Sebelumnya Tidur Belum Jadi Kebiasaan

Jakarta, Menyikat gigi sebelumnya tidur belum jadi rutinitas orang-orang Indonesia. Survey Indonesia Basic Health Research/RISKEDA th. 2007 tunjukkan, 90, 7 % orang menggosok-gosok gigi waktu mandi serta di sore hari. Walau sebenarnya, menurut drg. Zaura Rini Anggraini, Ketua Pengurus Besar Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI), saat menyikat gigi yang benar yaitu sesudah makan serta sebelumnya tidur. Sayangnya menurut data paling baru yang di keluarkan DepKes RI itu, baru 7, 3 % orang yang menggosok-gosok gigi di saat yang benar. Dari jumlah itu, golongan wanita semakin banyak (31, 6 %) yang menyikat giginya sebelumnya tidur di banding lelaki (25, 5 %). Kurangnya kesadaran orang-orang bakal tingkah laku melindungi kesehatan gigi serta mulut dengan cara benar itu mengakibatkan penyakit gigi tempati urutan pertama dari 10 penyakit yang seringkali dikeluhkan. Sakit gigi bikin produktivitas kita terganggu sekitaran 4 hari. Pada anak-anak efeknya yaitu terganggunya konsentrasi belajar serta sulit makan, kata Rini dalam acara hari Kesehatan Gigi serta Mulut sedunia yang digagas oleh PDGI serta Pepsodent di Jakarta (11/9). Hari Kesehatan Gigi serta Mulut Sedunia yang jatuh pada tanggal 12 September ditujukan untuk tingkatkan kesadaran pada utamanya kesehatan gigi serta mulut. Penyakit gigi serta mulut sesungguhnya gampang dihindari, tetapi kerapkali diabaikan perawatannya. Walau sebenarnya, kesehatan pada umumnya diawali dari kesehatan gigi yang baik.

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Aspek yang Mesti Di perhatikan Waktu Menimbang Berat Tubuh


Aspek yang Mesti Di perhatikan Waktu Menimbang Berat Tubuh


Jakarta, Mengukur berat tubuh yaitu hal yang dapat dikerjakan untuk tahu apakah ia mempunyai berat tubuh ideal, kurang atau malah berlebihan. Namun ada banyak hal yang perlu di perhatikan waktu menimbang berat tubuh. Berat tubuh yaitu satu diantara tanda untuk tahu apakah dianya mempunyai badan yang sehat atau tak. Karenanya kontrol berat tubuh baiknya dikerjakan dengan teratur. Di bawah ini yaitu banyak hal yang perlu di perhatikan waktu menimbang berat tubuh, seperti diambil dari Lifemojo, Sabtu (13/8/2011) yakni : 1. Baiknya menimbang berat tubuh pada pagi hari waktu perut dalam kondisi kosong. Hal semacam ini lantaran berat tubuh condong berfluktuasi selama seharian akibatnya karena beragam aktivitas seperti makan, retensi keringat, air didalam badan serta bahkan juga sembelit. 2. Semua suatu hal yang dipakai di badan dapat berperan pada berat tubuh, umpamanya celana jeans wanita sekitaran 700 gr serta baju sekitaran 250 gr. Karena itu bila menginginkan tahu berapakah berat tubuh yang sesungguhnya, kerjakan ditempat pribadi tanpa ada memakai baju. 3. Mewaspadai makanan spesifik yang dapat mengakibatkan retensi air, baiknya jauhi tepung terigu, tepung jagung serta makanan dengan kandungan garam tinggi dan hindari makanan manis, juice buah, air kelapa serta sup waktu malam hari. 4. Biasanya berat tubuh bakal naik dengan cara automatis sekitaran 1-1, 5 kg waktu tengah alami menstruasi, namun bakal turun kembali dengan sendirinya sesudah saat menstruasi selesai. 5. Frekwensi yang baik untuk mengukur berat tubuh baiknya janganlah sehari-hari, namun cukup sekali saja kurun waktu satu minggu. Keadaan ini cukup normal untuk lihat fluktuasi berat tubuh dan dapat jadi motivator yang maksimal. 6. Sebagian type obat seperti antibiotik spesifik dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya retensi air, hingga berat tubuh condong bertambah saat badan konsumsi obat itu. (ver/ir)