Sabtu, 09 September 2017

Not Fit to wear New Pants, Nita Junita Lower Weight 32 Kg

efek samping kopi hijau

Not Fit to wear New Pants, Nita Junita Lower Weight 32 Kg


Jakarta, starting from the newly bought pants and no longer fit the time used for the third time, she realized that her body was getting enlarged. So no doubt decided to lose weight and ultimately inspire more people, who he? Is Nita Junita, woman who three years ago had weight 80 kg now successfully changed the number of the scales into a 48 kg. Intrigued by his diet success stories such as what? Refer to the yuk! The motivation was initially not pompous sih pengen kayak slim girl again. So initially tuh trousers size jumbo, twice, for the third time, pas mau used tuh kicker until the thigh, said the account owner Instagram @nitajunita85. If I dont diet, dont want segimana tuh gedenya sports. So, since the time mutusin want pants that can enter the dial again, Nita, calls a close companion. Read also: trivial, but 5 of these things can make you fat and hard-LangsingSeperti most people, women who have 58 thousand followers in Instagramnya account is also never tried various diets. Starting from a diet of OCD (Obessive Corbuzier's Diet), healthy diet ala Tya Subiakto composer, as well as a diet of GM (General Motors). Read-read google, read-read people's experiences of a successful diet. Nyoba diet tuh much, there diet banana diet ever, OCD Corbuzier Earn Master, same with her lifestyle Ya Tya Subiakto who drank the juice diet 5 GM also had the hell, I'm Nita when talking with. While still bearing greases, Nita confesses to difficulty to do sports movement. So to get around, Nita reduced use of motor vehicles and many more within walking distance. The longer because the Agency already accustomed to resisting motion, could run every morning and to selingannya can dance fitness. Dont ever dance fitness studio in sih, udah kok enough on Youtube, said Nita.





In addition to paying attention to the method of diet and physical activity. Nita also noticed eating patterns. To start the day, he was drinking warm lemon water believed to be refreshing. Then Nita chose fruit for breakfast menu. He suggested to not pass through daily activities in order for breakfast could be more optimal. So, at least not its fruit, said the wife of Pujiono. For lunch, said Nita, as usual, full of rice with side dishes. While for the night or evening, depending on the conditions, if you're hungry, can eat rice, but if it's not too hungry enough to eat fruits. Stop eating tuh hour 7 nights. So we ended the digestion, assertive Nita.






Photo: Suherni






Read also: 5 benefits Reduce Eating sugary foods (hrn/vit) kopi hijau pelangsing


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